All pictures by Tay O'Keefe, unless otherwise stated...
RUN LIKE A GIRL... just silly!
"PUNNET" Jenny Hope, Steve Walsh and Joanna Weinberg
Cranston Winners: Ewan Campbell, David Witt, Marko
Mustac, Michael Gregory, Monique Dykstra, Murray Fahey, Gep
Bartlett, Lyn Pierse and Rebecca de Unamuno
Current Cranston Action
World Champion Theatresporter
Rebecca de Unamuno in Roman form
Roman Revelry: Rachel, Lisa & Gep in their element...
Mackenzie and Aysha are Short and Snappy... but not necessarily
in that order!
Fly on a high...
Adoring Fans...
Gep is King of the Keyboards!
lions are hungry my lady... Rachel and Lisa.
Benita Collings and Julia Zemiro at RBS Corporate Theatresports
Lyn Pierse, Josie O'Reilly and Technical Producer Barb Williams with "The Cranston Cup" in 2000!
Adam Couper declaims Shakespeare-style at Celebrity Theatresports 2001
Adam Spencer is "Little Johnny" at
Celebrity 2001
Beauty & The
Beast - Ewan Campbell is overwhelmed by fantasy becoming reality
when Tara Moss claims him as her own.
Celebrity Theatresports 2001
Steward McCure and Daniel
Cordeaux - Cranston Grand Final 2000
mighty human scoreboard show their style.
Celebrity 2001
They know the score...
Navleen Prasad and Ronan McChesney argue the toss with Julia
Zemiro at Corporate Theatresports 2001
Dave Callan and Jenny Hope sing up a storm at Celebrity 2001
Mmmm... Cliffy Wedderburn of "The Bill" and Daniel enjoy a moment of team bonding at Celebrity...
Twins! Home & Away's Susie Rugg and Impro legend Murray Fahey at Celebrity.
Monique Dykstra knows how to make a grand entrance. Pictured here at Celebrity Theatresports 2001, Enmore Theatre with slaves Frank Halabi, Nick Godsell and Tom Dunstan.
The 8th and 9th Wonders... Cleopatra and handmaiden... Julia and Monique
Shirts-off Shakespeare at Celebrity. Wil Anderson, Peter Berner and Tommy Dean make the beast with 3 bare backs!
Kimberley Cooper, Murray Fahey, Julia Zemiro
Susie, Murray and Kimberley - replay a scene with... lust!
Opera time! Wil, Tommy and Adam
shanghai Julia into their scene. Celebrity 2001
Rob Carlton and Adam Spencer make a pact as All Saints heart-throb Marty Lynes, gets down and dirty...
"Mmm. Why am I missing
Champions, Rob, Marty & Adam.
Rookie Cranston 2001 sensations, the Stage Hogs in a Jerry Springer moment.
(Picture by Julie Gassner-Gering)
The Shmux in Tux' Mark, Matt and Andy speaking in one voice. (Picture by Julie Gassner-Gering)
Shmux in Tux, sans pants... a unique operatic moment
(Picture by Julie Gassner-Gering)
Glover Puppet? Richard Glover and Dan Lloyd at Celebrity.